Haiku Daily
Haiku Daily Podcast
Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Amy Lowell

A Transcript of Today’s Episode

Hello, it’s Monday, May 22nd, 2023, and welcome to Haiku Daily, a poetry podcast that brings you two haiku every weekday, the second one, by me, Kyle G. Jones. This podcast invites you to slow down and reflect on moments in time caught in the amber of a poet’s attention and words. I’ll read each haiku twice with space in between.

Our first haiku comes from Amy Lowell:

Even the iris bends
When a butterfly lights upon it

A moment for reflection

Even the iris bends
When a butterfly lights upon it

Our second haiku was written by me

dandelion seeds
flurry in the wind
spring snow

A moment for reflection

dandelion seeds
flurry in the wind
spring snow

This has been Haiku Daily for Monday, May 22nd, 2023. I’ve been your host, Kyle G. Jones. Subscribe to listen to new episodes every weekday. If you enjoyed these moments, share them with someone you know and leave a rating and a review to help others find the show. 

Get these episodes and more about haiku directly in your inbox by subscribing to Haiku Daily at haikudailypodcast.substack.com. There you can join the conversation that haiku start by leaving a thought, a question, or your own haiku in the comments.

Haiku Daily
Haiku Daily Podcast
A poetry podcast that brings you two haiku every weekday.
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